It’s been 40 years since some caring people saw the need to organize visiting in hospitals of Saskatoon as The Lutheran Care Society. A lot has happened over these years. We have changed and we have grown. We are now known as LuMinHoS but the new name does not change the reason for our existence:
To bring the Comfort of Christ to all Lutheran patients admitted to hospitals of Saskatoon
40 years deserve a celebration, and an acknowledgement of those who have served this organization so well.
You are invited to a celebration on April 18, 2020 at the German Cultural Centre in Saskatoon to join us on a Journey down Memory Lane. A buffet dinner will precede a musical journey by the Blue Grass band The Local Group to set the scene for a video interview presentation of some of the people who have sustained the organization. We hope to hear a tribute to the spiritual care received through LuMinHoS by a former patient, and a perspective of a long-time visitor. We will share a vision how LuMinHoS may grow in years to come.
Posters will be distributed to all Lutheran Churches and dinner tickets @ $40 per person can be purchased through the LuMinHoS reps and online. Detailed information is to be found on the poster. Doors open at 5 p.m. for a cocktail time, the buffet dinner to follow at 6 p.m.!
Please, support LuMinHoS with your presence!