Ways to Give
LuMinHoS is supported entirely through donations made by faithful individuals and congregations who understand the importance of our ministry.
Donations made online, by mail, in person, or at one of our events are gratefully appreciated.
You may give online:
- by e-transfer to info@luminhos.org
- through credit card or Paypal (Please be patient while the page loads!)
- through Canada Helps at https://www.canadahelps.org/en/charities/luminhos/
To make a gift of publicly traded securities, visit the “Donate Securities” link using the button below.

By Mail
Please send cheques, money orders, or credit card information (not cash) to
PO Box 23019
RPO Market Mall
Saskatoon, SK S7J 5H3
In Honour or Memory of
Gifts made in honour or in memory of someone will be acknowledged in our newsletter, The Caregiver.